Tag Archives: social media

6 twitter strategies for increase a great following

twitter strategiesYou are on twitter, that’s fine. But are you connected with the right people? Are you achieving your goals successfully? Probably you will need to develop a better twitter following. Keep on reading dear, you will come across certain techniques and methods which will enable you to build a quality twitter following. The techniques mentioned in this post worth a lot to persons who desire better following on twitter. Continue reading

How To Use Hidden Google Plus Features [Google+ Cheat Sheets]

Google+ is fast becoming robust social media platform and is being used by both micro bloggers and common users. Here is a list of some cheat codes and shortcuts which can help you get the most out Google Plus and enhance your Google+ experience. The below cheat sheets contain everything from basic usage to hidden features of Google+ that you probably didn’t know about. Below is an overview of the two cheat sheets, followed by links given at the end of this post to download them.

google Continue reading